

Dave Emmett
Acrylic paint drip on canvas with glossy finish
12 x 12 inches

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An array of pearlescent pink and white acrylic is elegantly swirled amongst the backdrop of tense, deep greens and blues, creating a mesmerizing juxtaposition of colors on Dave Emmett's canvas. With an uncanny ability to harness chaos, Emmett masterfully guides the swirling pigments, transforming what could be perceived as disorder into a harmonious composition that captivates the viewer's gaze. With each pour, a sense of controlled frenzy emerges, coaxing emotions to rise and fall in synchrony with the intricate dance of colors on the canvas. This artwork is incredibly gift-able and is ready-to-hang.

Dave Emmett is punk-science-fiction artist who uses fluid pour-painting techniques to create nebulae, wormholes, planetscapes, and all things alien on canvas. He aims for vibes that are loud, vibrant, disruptive, and alive. A left-brained Doctor by day, he’s drawn to the ways in which fluid art defies efforts at pre-planning. Each painting forms dynamically, one tilt or spin at a time. 

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from $1,200.00
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