

Dave Emmett
acrylic on canvas
10 by 10 inches

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Like the delicate shimmer of an abalone shell or the mesmerizing dance of colors on spilt gasoline, Dave Emmett possesses a unique talent for capturing the iridescence of holographic textures through the deceptive use of flat paint. His artworks exude an intriguing blend of luminosity and subtlety, creating an illusion of shine that defies expectations from every angle. It is through this masterful manipulation of paint that Emmett manages to infuse his pieces with an otherworldly allure that leaves viewers in awe. This piece is a fun gift-able and ready to hang artwork.

Dave Emmett is punk-science-fiction artist who uses fluid pour-painting techniques to create nebulae, wormholes, planetscapes, and all things alien on canvas. He aims for vibes that are loud, vibrant, disruptive, and alive. A left-brained Doctor by day, he’s drawn to the ways in which fluid art defies efforts at pre-planning. Each painting forms dynamically, one tilt or spin at a time. 

Laura Mercy Collection at The Artist Tree Fresno
from $1,200.00
Buddha Cat #5
Calculating Beauty
Geisha Series
Garo's Song