Jovia Selachimorpha


Dave Emmett
acrylic on canvas
12 by 24 inches

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Modern sharks, classified within the clade Selachimorpha, are intriguing creatures that have captivated the curiosity of many. While term "jovia" takes on a whole new meaning. It refers to something far beyond the conventional understanding of the word – it embodies the essence of the god or planet Jupiter. Jupiter, Florida, holds such significance in the world of shark aficionados. In this coastal paradise, one can embrace the exhilarating experience of diving into the depths of the ocean alongside an astonishing array of shark species. It is a place like no other in the continental United States, where adventure seekers can encounter bull, tiger, great hammerhead, lemon, sandbar, silky, and nurse sharks all in a single day. While some may hesitate to dive into these shark-infested waters, the mesmerizing allure of Jupiter, Florida, proves irresistible. The crystal-clear waters, pristine and inviting, rival some of the most beautiful beaches in the country. Yet, Dave Emmett delves into a distant memory where these pristine waters are obscured by a flurry of activity – an elaborate feast orchestrated by the kings of the ocean. In Jupiter, Florida, the ocean hides a world teeming with marvels, inviting both fear and fascination. It is a haven for those who seek the thrill of encountering these majestic predators in their natural habitat. So, venture forth into the depths of Jupiter's shark-infested waters and allow a bit a pleasure derived from fear hang on your wall.

Dave Emmett is punk-science-fiction artist who uses fluid pour-painting techniques to create nebulae, wormholes, planetscapes, and all things alien on canvas. He aims for vibes that are loud, vibrant, disruptive, and alive. A left-brained Doctor by day, he’s drawn to the ways in which fluid art defies efforts at pre-planning. Each painting forms dynamically, one tilt or spin at a time. 

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