Beauty in Utility


Arlene Weinstock
16 x 16 inches
Metal art print

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"Beauty in Utility" is a captivating metal art print that masterfully captures the notion that there is abundant beauty in art and design, even within the most unsuspecting corners of the bustling city. Through its intricate details and impeccable craftsmanship, this artwork effortlessly elevates the mundane and transforms it into something extraordinary. With its ability to effortlessly blend artistry and functionality, "Beauty in Utility" reminds us that inspiration can be found amidst the backdrop of everyday life, beckoning us to appreciate the unnoticed beauty surrounding us.

Arlene Weinstock earned a BFA degree from Boston University. She continued her education at the Corcoran Museum School where she studied website development. She earned a Signature (CPSA), Experimental Signature (CPX), and Five Year Merit recognition for her artwork from the Colored Pencil Society of America (CPSA). Weinstock’s "Recyclables" is about finding beauty in materials others discard. She creates paper from shredded office documents. As she builds the paper with layers of wet pulp, she sculpts the surface. When dry, she paints intense colors to enhance the forms and textures. Working in conversation with the art, she follows the lead of what emerges. She looks for ideas in the lights and shadows. Weinstock often feels an idea and helps these phantoms take form. The process of creating art is giving life to ideas. Recycling paper is renewal. This colorful abstract art series uplifts the spirit. It speaks to the intention of second chances. Through it, she sees possibilities.

Polapalms (Series)
Dreaming Blue